Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan for the Tepfipol Community

The cluster team continues systematic work with the Teofipol territorial community. Within a new initiative, we work together on a significant document for the community - the Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan. This document allows the community to join the network of European cities that have signed the "Agreement of Mayors". Also, this opens more new opportunities for the community, particularly the attraction of grant funding for "hard projects". In addition, the development of this document is about a comprehensive approach to the issue of reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the community and a certain signpost on the way to an energy-independent and climate-neutral Teofipol.
To make the document as effective as possible we organized a working group to hold meetings where the main directions and projects are defined to be included in the Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan. The active work of the members of the working group made it possible to determine the potential of the community in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources (RES).
Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan is planned to be developed and approved by the end of 2023. Within the project, it is intended that the Teofipol community will join the "Energy Transition" coalition.
In addition, the representatives of the Khmelnytskyi Energy Cluster within the project take an active part in events for public organizations that implement projects based on the principles of green restoration in communities. During the events, we cover such topics:
- The role of the local level in the restoration of Ukraine
- The "Agreement of Mayors"
- The "Green Recovery"
- How to start adaptation to climate change in communities
- Preparation of grant projects
* The project "Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan for the Tepfipol Community" is implemented in cooperation with the Center for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction under the financial support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany within the framework of the International Climate Initiative (ICI) project "Strengthening civil society in the development and implementation of national climate policies"